15 January 2013


Last weekend, gw bikin French-toast karena abis liat seseorang buat ituh toast di salah satu acara variety show Korea. gw ga tau persisnya orang tersebut buat toast-nya kaya gimana, tapi kurang lebih kaya yang gw buat ini:

  1. make sure you have bread, butter, cheese, jam or honey, and egg (from my experience: 1 egg for 2 square loaf of bread)
  2. whisk the egg, while you start heating the frying pan
  3. dip the bread into whisked egg
  4. fry the bread-egg with butter, until the color change into brown (or you think it's good, hehe)
  5. after that, you can spread jam or honey, put the cheese. well, as how you'd like it
  6. completing your breakfast French-toast with a glass of milk
and tarraaaaaa......my French-toast with strawberry jam and a sheet of cheese inside.

 Yummy ;9

menurut gw, dengan mencelupkan roti ke dalam telur sebelum digoreng, rotinya masih agak mengembang. beda kalo langsung digoreng, rotinya langsung kempes, tipis.
Sedangkan French-toast hasil cari-cari di mbah google, telur yang dikocok bisa dicampur susu, garam, gula, atau cinnamon, sesuai selera. terus setelah digoreng, bisa dioles butter, dikasih maple syrup, golden syrup, madu, potongan buah atau kacang, or anything you'd like lah yaaa.
okay guys, silahkan mencoba membuat French-toast kreasi anda.

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